MCI to hold first ever ethnosports festival

ISLAMABAD, Mar 2 (APP): Memories of centuries-old traditional sports will be refreshed through a festival to be held here on March 4-5.

The Directorate of Sports, Culture and Tourism Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad and Capital Development Authority have joined hands to celebrate Pakistani traditional sports at Rose and Jasmine Garden from 10:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m from Friday.

According to focal person MCI Dr. M. Abdullah Tabassum, “This is the first time such a sports festival is going to be held. We hope to reignite the memories and love for our centuries old traditional games, which are rarely played in some rural parts of the country but a generation’s huge majority’s memories are associated with them.

The event will be open to participation for all with wide variety of decaying games arranged to be played that include Rassa Kashi(tug-of-war), Pittu Garam (seven stones), Kokla Chapaki Jumaiyrat Ai Ay (drop the handkerchief), and Stapu (hopscotch) for women.

Rassa Kashi, tug-of-war in English, is played between two teams, with each at one end of the rope contest to pull the rope towards their end and drag the opponents and the one who succeeds wins the game.

Pittu Garam, known as seven stones in English, is a South Asian game dating back to some 5,000 years, which is usually played by two teams in a large area involving a pile of stones and a tennis ball. The aim is to break the pile of stone with tennis ball and hit the opponents till they rebuild the tower.

Kokla Chapaki Jumaiyrat Ai Ay, known as drop the handkerchief, is a famous game played in the streets and inside homes mostly by young girls. One of the participants in the game carries a whip made from dupatta or any piece of cloth while others sit in a circle.

The one who carries the whip circles around singing the tune Kokla Chapaki Jumaiyrat Ai Ayand hits one of the participant, who tries to catch the whip while the hitter attempts to take the vacated spot. In this game the participants eyes are closed with cloth not to allowing her to see the hitter.

Stapu, (Kidi Kada) also known as hopscotch is another popular game played all over the world with chalk and items such as marbles, balls or stones. Squares are drawn with chalk and an object is thrown in one of the boxes. The player jumps through the boxes on one leg and picks that object on the way. Some certain rules are defined for the contestant to obey to remain in the game.

Deputy Commissioner Islamabad Muhammad Hamza Shafqaat, Director Sports Culture & Tourism Aamir Shehzad, Chief Metropolitan Officer Capt Syed Ali Asghar, DG MCI, DG DG Audit &Accounts CDA Qasim Chatha and principals of various schools and colleges will be the guests expected to attend this two-day festivity.